I Will Sever the Cords

Alena Moore 

Concerning your church,

You are not fitting in because they are not moving in the spirit the way that I have called you to move in my spirit and power. It’s OK, it’s just a different season of life for you. Be patient and wait and watch me move in the wind of my Spirit upon your life. I have called you to be different and set you apart, think it not strange but think of it that I have set you apart for such a time as this. Keep following the wind of my spirit and I will continue to walk you through the doorway of your next phase. Stay close to me. You see pride and surrender are at odds with each other. All pride must be laid at my altar, you must stay low to soar to higher heights. I have called you to soar higher, lay down every encumbering weight because they are not from me. They are from the enemy, every time you have tried to take off, He pulls the strings he attached to you to pull you back down and keep you stuck. My eagles soar and they fly higher than the enemy can operate and they fly higher than the enemy can go. I will cut the strings that hold you down. Once and for all...you will soar above the restraints of the enemy. He has a false plumbline he has established and it is restraining many in this hour. I will sever the cords that he has attached to you. Humble yourself to my ways, for I know the way you are going on your way to the ancient path of destiny. You cannot find the path in your own strength or with your own plans. I have hidden it for your total surrender and reliance on the Holy Spirit. The path to my purpose is narrow and it’s going to be more narrow then you have experienced this far on your journey. I have called you to the narrow path, you see many won’t surrender and let me work in them. They fight me and they’re rebellious with their own plans and have their own heart motives. Many leave the narrow place because, they think it is too hard, they fall off the path and get lost along the way. That’s why you must stay close and stay low in humility because when the surge of my spirit comes, it will take you to the high place. Stop looking to man to get you to the high place, because it is I and I alone who will exalt you there and keep you there. There are few who will allow my spirit to carry them higher. In your surrender, I will swoop down and cut the cords that entangle you. As you are set free you will help others get free. You will show them my ways and the truth that beseeches them. The enemy has tried relentlessly to stop you and keep you from entering in to destiny, but he cannot stop you when you are under my wing and hidden in the secret place. Lay your life down on the altar and you will begin to see more clearly. I will shine a light from heaven and light the way in which you shall go. You are giving too much emphasis on your feelings, your feelings lead you away from my spiritual truth. My relationship with you is not based on your emotions and your feelings. My presence is not determined by your good works or deeds. You cannot work your way higher, it is only by my might and power. My love has been a great work in your heart. My love is what sets you free. My love for you as my child is what draws us closer in union with each other. I ask you how much do you trust me? I mean really trust me. My children do you trust me to get you to the high place? Alena Moore

Alena Moore