Take Your Position

Your position is what you have received in Christ and stand in Him. You must be totally secure in the understanding of your position in Christ to be able to stand against the trickery of man and the enemy.

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Alena Moore
Are you at a Crossroads?

One of the most common misconceptions of new believers is thinking that Christian life is easy and God solves all our problems. If that were true, wouldn't the path to heaven be wide?

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Alena Moore
Are you Hiding from God?

The first account of someone trying to hide from God occurs in Genesis 3 when Adam and Eve try to hide from God after they ate the forbidden fruit. However, they were not successful.

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Alena Moore
Church Hurt

Church hurt is one of the ways the enemy tries to create chaos in our lives. Church hurt can be emotional, spiritual, or even physical.

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Alena Moore