The Orphan Spirit


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You may be asking yourself what is an orphan spirit? It's a demonic spirit that invades a person's mind causing them a sense of abandonment from their past hurts and experiences. It attacks the mind and emotions of the individual suffering with abandonment, rejection, and great disappointment.

An orphan spirit attaches to a person who has experienced extreme rejection in their life. It creates separation, worry, anxiety, and fear. Once this spirit enters into a person it becomes a stronghold in their mind and remains there until a new foundational truth of the Word of God is formed. If this mental fortress is not corrected and torn down by the individual who accepts it, it will continue on to the next generation until someone stands in the gap and says no more.

This is a false mindset that does not line up with the truth in Gods Word. This spirit is false belief system put in place by the enemy. The Word of God says that we are accepted in the beloved. So, it is a lie and deception from the enemy making us feel unaccepted. Please take the time to open your heart and get a revelation of God’s love for you and change the direction of your bloodline back to fellowship with God. Allow him to heal and cleanse your heart. This could be your missing link to freedom.

An orphan spirit is an identity that lives apart from Jesus loving us with his perfect love.
— Alena Moore
The Unseen War

The Unseen War

The Unseen War gives additional information about the Orphan Spirit. This book is now available on Amazon.

I personally experienced so much emotional turmoil from this false religious thinking caused by the enemy. Wanting freedom for myself and family is what kept me searching for the truth.

An orphan spirit is an identity that lives apart from Jesus loving us with his perfect love. Jesus paid a high price for our redemption, we are a kidnaped royalty. Upon salvation we begin a personal relationship with Christ, we begin to have revelation of the ransom he paid. God's love and acceptance of us stand before we were formed in our mother’s womb. God created us to belong and to be treasured. Only the father's presence, his love, his touch, and his voice can heal the orphan spirit.

So much of the body of Christ is feeling a lack of love and being truly accepted by God, this is a physical sign in the earth of what needs to happen spiritually. The spirit of adoption is the manifestation of the spirit of God and a prophetic declaration of healing and restoration back to sonship. The sons and daughters of God are being awakened in this hour to their rightful place in the kingdom of God. We will be coming into our full inheritance as God’s children when we are healed and restored back to him.

The orphan spirit makes you see others through the lens of deeply rooted resentment and anger because subconsciously you are angry of the fact that you have no father. This taints your perception you have of other male figures in your life including God the Father.

Once abandoned or rejected by your earthly father, a deep void is created. This makes it difficult for us to interact with our heavenly father because our trust is broken, and we will need healing to take place to fix that breach in order to bring full restoration back to us as his children. Knowing the father's love is especially important and necessary for a believer to function as a healthy member to society and as a member of the body of Christ.

The orphan spirit makes you see others through the lens of deeply rooted resentment and anger.
— Alena Moore

I have some questions for you to ask yourself… If you answer yes to several of these questions, you have gained a greater understanding of the grip this spirit has in your heart, your mind, will, and emotions.

Do I make choices out of insecurities? Am I jealous of other people's success? Do I try to earn God's love with works? Do I self-protect by drawing inward? Do I feel unworthy, not good enough? Do I feel avoid and try to fulfill it with work, physical appearance, self- gratification, narcissistic behavior, or self- indulgent behavior. Are you driven to success and have the mindset you will succeed at all cost? Do you use people to fulfill your goals? Do you repel your children or your spiritual children? Do you struggle with anger and fits of rage? Do other people in your family struggle with anger and rage?

This could be a generational curse. Do you always compete with others? Do you lack self-esteem? Do you see your identity in possessions, physical appearance, activities or work? Do you strive for perfection? Do you primarily identify yourself through your career, title, material possessions, your physical appearance, sports activities or pleasures? Do you place the value of your identity in these lies and deceptions of the enemy?

I know I did for the majority of my life. As you become aware and begin to recognize the attributes and limits the enemy has placed on you, I pray that you refuse to allow this spirit access to your mind by taking every ungodly thought captive.

Here are some attributes of how this spirit operates in you and through you, it affects all aspects of your decisions and relationships. I personally struggled with so many of these symptoms. God has taken me through a process of awareness, in order to bring healing and freedom.  

Addiction, self-indulgent behaviors through over eating, sex, lust, shopping etc, always searching for the meaning in life and searching for contentment, jealous, envy, disobedience, rebellion, abandonment, loneliness, isolation, alienation, drawing inward, rejection, critical spirit of other and self, very defensive about everything, always blames others for what is wrong, unable to receive correction from anyone, not teachable, fear, always feeling unworthy and not good enough, feels unloved, constant thoughts of self hatred because of failures and sins.

Many are unaware they are functioning emotionally with an orphan spirit. Even though they have been accepted and adopted as God’s sons and daughters, the fact and truth that they have been adopted into the family of God upon salvation. They are unaware of what this spirit is doing to them, and how it is controlling them.

An orphan spirit will limit your capacity to understand your identity and purpose, you won’t be able to maximize all that God has for you in your Kingdom purpose. God's love brings security, rest and citizenship. Love; is who God is; not only how he acts but his consistency covers our inconsistency, and he declares us lovable. We are created in his image and that image is love. To love and to be loved. Only the spirit of God can bring us revelation of the father's heart towards us, only the father can make us whole again and set us free from the orphan spirit.

Revelation is the first step in overcoming this spirit. We have to refuse this spirt access to our lives and refuse to participate with it. We must be willing to see what the enemy has done to us. If you refuse to admit the existence of the spirit and its operation in your life, it will be impossible for your to get free. You must bring all your past hurts of feeling abandonment to God and ask for healing.

Ask Jesus to stand with you in your past hurts and reach out to him for full restoration. Join me in this prayer, and allow God to work on your behalf and set you free! It is his desire is to set you free. We must surrender all to God and allow Jesus access to your wounded heart, to all the dead places in your heart and he will make you whole and set you free. that is my hope for all who read this.


Father God help me to realize that I am struggling to connect with you in a healthy way because of the rejection that I have lived and experienced in my past. I ask you to start the healing process that I so desperately need and cleanse out the things in my life that are holding me back from you and a deeper relationship with you. Help me to recognize the open doors to this spirit, help me to see and identify those things that are hindering my identity and purpose in you. Father forgive me for not being able to feel and receive your love, your unconditional love that you have for me.  I ask you to forgive me for assuming that you are the same as other human beings, that have hurt me. Please help me overcome the orphan spirit! Jesus please forgive me for embracing the attitudes and the actions, heart motives of an orphan spirit. I want to experience your love and heart’s desire for me. To know that I am a part of a healthy spiritual family. I break all soul ties that I have formed with an orphan spirit. I bind my body, heart and spirit to God's will and purpose for my life in Jesus name. Lord I ask that you heal my mind, emotions, and my heart from the spirits of abandonment, rejection and fatherless. I break all soul ties with them, that have been formed in my mind and emotions from an orphan spirit. I Put the blood of Jesus on the origin of where an orphan spirit came in my life. I recognize and renounce an repent for an orphan spirit that has gained access and control over my life and bloodline. I break its power and control now by the power of the blood of Jesus now. I break a generational curse now. I repent for my ancestors on my mother and fathers side who participated with this spirit. I put the blood of Jesus on the root where it came in at. With dunamis power form heaven burn away that root, every branch connected to it, all residue from it. I declare it is broken now and cannot affect me or any future generations from this day forward. God, please help me to have the heart and mindset of a son and daughter. As your child help me to turn my heart toward you Heavenly Father and my relationship with my earthly father. Send me a spiritual father handpicked by you. Lord please help me to pray for and support all spiritual fathers that you have placed in my life. Please help me to model the attitude and heart that Jesus showed towards you as he walked the earth. Please reveal to me all areas of my heart that have been wounded. Please heal those areas and make me whole. Lord I ask that you help me to forgive everyone who I have considered or looked to as a spiritual father or any leader who wounded me or failed me. Lord please help me to commit to a church and a spiritual father. In Jesus name Amen 


Romans 8:14-15 TPT

The mature children of God are those who are moved by the impulses of the Holy Spirit. And you did not receive the spirit of religious duty, leading you back into the fear of never being good enough. But you have received the spirit of full acceptance adoption in folding you into the family of God. And you will never feel orphaned, for as he rises up within us our spirits join him in saying the words of tender affection, beloved father. 

Gal 4:4-7 But when the set time fully come, God sent his son, born of a woman, born under the law to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out Abba Father. So you are no longer a slave, but Gods child; and since you are his child, God has made you an heir.

Phil. 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God.

1 Timothy 2:14

Romans 5: 12-19

Jeremiah 31:3  The Lord appeared from of old to me Israel, saying, yes,  I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with loving kindness have I drawn you and continued my faithfulness

Psalm 68:5-6 TPT To the fatherless he is a father. To the widow he is a champion friend period to the lonely he makes them part of a family. 

psalms 146 9 TPT You watch over strangers and immigrants and support the fatherless and the widows.  

John 14: 18 I will not leave you Helpless or abandoned you as orphans, I will come back!


It is a physical sign of the earth of what needs to happen spiritually. The adoption is the manifestation of the spirit of God and a prophetic declaration of healing and sonship 

Ephesians 1: 5- 6 

For it was always in his perfect plan to adopt us as his delightful children, through our union with Jesus, the anointed 1, so that his tremendous love that cascades over us would glorify his grace for the same love he has for his beloved 1, Jesus, he has for us. And this unfolding plan brings him great pleasure! 

Alena Moore