Do you have Feelings of Being left Behind or Forgotten?

Well, you are not alone! We have great news. The enemy is always hard at work trying to make us believe a lies that are based off of distorted truths. Today, we are going to expose his lies about abandonment. The Lord promises us that we are never alone, that He is forever with us. The Word of God says in Deuteronomy 31:6 NIV “The Lord your God who goes with you, He will not leave you or abandon (for sake) you!”

Mathew 27:46 Amplified Bible And about the ninth hour (three o'clock) Jesus cried with a loud voice, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?- that is, My God, My God, why have You abandoned Me (leaving Me helpless, forsaking and failing Me in My need)?

Are you ready to get free? Keep reading!

Prayer of Abandonment

Heavenly Father, as an act of my will I choose to forgive all those who abandoned me spiritually, emotionally, and physically. I repent for coming into agreement with this spirit. I repent for all sins I have committed, and all the sins committed by my forefathers on my mother and father side, whether known an unknown, that would keep the door open to reoccurring experiences of abandonment in my life and future generations. I break every generational curse of abandonment in my generations on my father and mothers’ side. I ask you to break the power of this curse in Jesus name. I put the blood of Jesus on the root of this curse and where it came in at. I ask you to put Holy fire and dunimas power from heaven to burn away every root, branch, and all residue connected to this curse In Jesus name.
I forgive those who couldn’t love me or show me the love that I desperately needed, out of their own place of brokenness. They couldn’t give me what they did not have. I repent, please forgive me for any ungodly vows that I made against them, all grudges or resentments that I’ve had for the people that have hurt me and disappointed me. I repent for rebellion and disobedience that ended up blocking my heart from giving and receiving your love for me. It has been blocking and keeping me from all that you have for me.

 In Jesus name, I choose to forgive myself for continually falling into this trap and snare of the enemy with abandonment, rejection, self hatred, disappointment, discouragement, critical spirit. I bind, rebuke, renounce and break every legal right of a familiar spirit attached to abandonment and rejection that has been attached to me and my bloodline. I cancel your assignment against me and my future generations. I command you to be gone from me now in Jesus name. I break every agreement that would allow you to stay now. Go now in Jesus name.

Heavenly Father, I ask you to fill that empty lonely place in my heart with your undying love. Replace the loneliness, grief and sorrow with your love, peace, joy, and acceptance. I receive by faith, the revelation and knowledge of my Heavenly Fathers love for me. As an act of my will, I choose to release those who left me behind and hurt me from my soul now. Give back to me the part of my soul that I gave away to them in Jesus name. Father I choose YOU today, for my everything. You are the object of my desires now, not people. You are the one who supplies all my needs according to your riches and glory.

Heavenly Father, I open my heart to you, come in and heal every wound caused by the effects and experiences of abandonment. Heal every area in my heart from being left behind. Pour your balm of healing oil now in Jesus name.


Alena Moore