The Controversy of Being Born Out of Wedlock


This topic has by far been the most controversial topic we have discussed in our ministry. However, I genuinely believe it is far stretching, worldwide and is one of the greatest bondages of mankind and the body of Christ, affecting all races and generations.

So many are unaware of the curse because of its long-lasting effects on the generations, it may skip a generation until someone else falls prey to it. Satan continually temps people with this curse because he knows it all too well that it will continue and most likely go undiscovered. That is why it starts all over again with the next person who falls prey to it.

Therefore, it is my heart’s desire to shed some light and truth on this curse, its effects and devastation to the person and generations, the children conceived out of wedlock, and the family bloodline. I have personally experienced this curse being born out of wedlock and that is why it is so dear to my heart to help others get free. I want to give you hope and encourage you because I also fell prey to the curse by having a child out of wedlock.

With the knowledge I have learned about this curse, I was able to clearly see its effects on my son and on my grandson. Carlen and I prayed with my son and then I prayed with my grandson and broke the curse. So, please understand there is no passing of guilt, shame, condemnation, or judgement here. Regardless of how you were conceived, your Life was not a mistake as the enemy has wanted you to believe. God saw you long before you were formed in your mother’s womb!

He has loved you with an everlasting love. He created you with love as He was knitting you together, He had you in mind as He created the plans He has for you to accomplish on the earth. You are called with a mandate to fulfill at this very time in history in the earth. He needs you to fulfill it, He wanted you to be His and walk in the purpose He created for your life. He has been drawing you from birth. Leading and drawing you unto himself, exposing the enemy of your soul to bring you to freedom from all that ensnares you.

Nothing the enemy has done will ever change the love He has for you. No lie that we are told changes that agape love and image of God that we are created in as sons and daughters of the most high God. You must come to know His heart towards you, it was never His plan for you to live under the heavy burden of a curse, one that has left you numb and barely functioning in your life because of the onslaught of attacks from the enemy.

In His perfect love He has prepared a path for you to walk in throughout your life. You will have to partner with the Holy Spirit in order to fulfill the destiny that Jesus came to redeem for you and all mankind. You are a blessing, not a burden; a joy, not an intrusion; a delight, not a disappointment. You are and always will be, precious in His sight. You are redeemed, worthy and valuable to Him. The enemy works really hard to make you think and feel the opposite, reinforcing every negative lie he tells you wether through other people or in your thoughts about yourself.

Open your heart to the Lord and see His goodness, His tender mercies and heart full of love towards you, allow these truths to penetrate every false belief that you have believed or felt about your life. We are orphaned due to their sin in the garden, but God sent Jesus to deliver us and redeem us and set us back in covenant with Him. We are all His children, we are not abandoned and rejected by our Heavenly Father. There are laws that the Lord abides by that have to be renounced and repented for.

You may not understand this but as you continue to read, I pray that you will do so with an open heart. What if God is drawing you unto Himself with this article to provoke you to open your heart to hear the truth by the power of the Holy Spirit? Let these words penetrate your heart and bring revelation of any illegitimacy in your bloodline that would keep you from a more intimate relationship with the Lord. You may not think that this is possible, but it really is.

This is the only curse in the Bible that last for 10 generations. Please realize God takes this very seriously to have it effect 10 generations. Gods judgement will be on those who continue this practice it. In Deuteronomy 23:2 “a bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to his 10th generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord.” An Ammonite or Moabite shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to their 10th generation shall they not enter into the congregation of the Lord. (Congregation is to fellowship, that is how it effects your relationship with the Father, and why so many Christians do not feel or experience the love of God.)

So, what is a curse? It is God’s recompense in the life of a person or their descendants because of iniquity (John Eckhardt’s book Identifying and Breaking Curses). The result of all sin is death and destruction. The results of a curse always lead to death and destruction in a person, family, generation, and a nation. They have the power to destroy. We must be quick to repent and be humble when we find ourselves under a curse.

In Lamentations 3:64-66 “Render unto them a recompense, oh Lord, according to the work of their hands. Give them sorrow of heart, thy curse unto them. Persecute and destroy them in anger for under the heavens of the Lord.”

There are several words we will use to give you a clearer picture, a better understanding of how curses operate, and they are as follows: recompense, iniquity, persecution, perversion, destruction, and repentance. We did not have a clear understanding of these at first and that is why we decided to include them. You will find the definitions at the bottom of the article.

What is the bastard’s curse? A more common term today is the illegitimate curse. It is when a child is conceived out of wedlock in premarital sex or adultery. The curse comes upon the man, woman and the child conceived. A child in the womb knows if they are not wanted and experience that rejection in the womb.  This will eventually have to be broken off them. It does not matter if the parents get married after the child is conceived, the child is still illegitimate according to the Word of God.

According to scripture, when a child is conceived through fornication and adultery the child automatically comes under a curse. The Word of God says this also goes for a child who is born out of rape and incest, it must be repented for. This curse is a powerful curse in that it causes corruption that lasts for generations. It is mentioned in the old and new testament. Satan has tried to use this as a key means to devastate and break down the family unit. In a sense you could be completely unaware of it being in your bloodline, but most likely not if you are the person suffering the devastation.

Most people are in the dark because this sin has become more and more acceptable with passing generations in time. But the Word of God has not changed, the plumbline of the Lord has not changed. There is a lack of knowledge and understanding of the Word of God and the ways of God. His ways are not our ways.

The enemy takes full advantage of you not knowing your authority and your identity in Christ and makes you vulnerable to the enemy. Our sins and iniquities keep the door open. It keeps your soul/heart in a place of sorrow, inner turmoil, and despair. It affects your ability to have intimate relationships with God, parents, a spouse, children, coworkers.

This is how the curse personally affected me:

I loved the Lord as a very young girl but always had an opposing hand on top of my head that kept me from happiness and blessing. (at least that is what it felt like). You know that “10 steps forward, 10 steps backward” feeling? I would always try so hard but to no avail, it seemed like I had to fight so much harder than everyone else to achieve the same thing. I would always feel like I was falling short and caught up in the same cycle that seemed unescapable. That feeling that everyone is against you for one reason or another. The rejection of never being accepted and feeling unwanted, like you do not belong.

Do failure, frustration, and defeat seem to be your lot in life? Is your life characterized by continual setbacks and misfortune? Does it appear as though no matter what you do in life you cannot seem to obtain the blessing of the Lord? Some people will understand completely what this feels like and others may not.

Maybe you know somebody who is struggling with these effects in their life. I doubt you would have to look far. I am not mentioning these inner thoughts and feelings for any other reason than to bring clarity on the emotional turmoil and state of one’s soul.

Believers and non-believers can observe and discern the effects of these spirit’s that partner with this curse. Lack, poverty, self-hatred, shame, fear, bitterness, rebellion, addiction, corruption, anger, offense, rejection, sexual perversion, lust, divorce, occult, and witchcraft. You may hear things like “they just have that black cloud over them” “what’s wrong” with them? “Why can’t they get free?” “Why don’t they just stop doing drugs or alcohol?” Often the most frustrating things about the whole scenario is the fact that you are a believer, and you love the Lord.

Is it possible for a born-again Christian, spirit filled believer to still be living under a curse? Because of sin and so often our bad choices we make, the enemy has legal warrants and contracts against us and he wants to hold us hostage for them. Open doors of ongoing sin allow him to keep the contract open against us. That is why there are so many Christians struggling today.

In Galatians 3:13, “we are redeemed from the curse.” In other words, Jesus became a curse in our place. He does not desire us to be ignorant of spiritual things. Satan intimidates you through your weakness. We have been given indispensable tools as believers, an arsenal of weapons to identify and break curses.

The blood of Jesus, the Holy Spirit; our helper and comforter who brings revelation through prophetic dreams, people and prophets, the Word of God; the Word of God is our legal document against satans contracts he has against us in the spiritual realm. That is why declaring, and decreeing the scriptures are so important. Our words are legal binding contracts in the spiritual realm and you verbally release them when you speak them out loud. Your words have power! Make sure you speak life and not death.

There is power in His name; every knee must bow, the gift of discerning of spirits; discerning what is good or evil, our spiritual authority, and fasting, it sanctifies and purifies the soul. It brings our flesh back under the authority of the spirit. It puts us in alignment with God. We are well equipped with everything we need to overcome satan and destroy his evil works. If this is true, then how can a believer still be under a curse? Why are so many Christians suffering? What does the Word of God have to say about the subject of curses?

I would like to give you 4 biblical scripture references about being born illegitimate and the consequences there of.

1) In 2 Samuel 11:2-5, “One evening David arose from his couch and was walking on the roof of the King's house, when he went from there, he saw a woman bathing; And she was very lovely to behold. David sent and inquired about the woman. One said, is not this Bathsheba the daughter of Eliam and the wife of Uriah the Hittite? And David sent messengers and took her. She came into him and he lay with her- for she was purified from her uncleanness. Then she returned to her house. And the woman became pregnant and sent and told David, I am with child.”

David had conceived an illegitimate child from an adulteress affair. This adulteress affair resulted in a murder to cover up the sexual sin, then the child died. David’s house was cursed with the sword, his wives were taken by others. 2 Sam 13 incest and rape occurred in the family bloodline, when Absalom raped his sister Tamar. His children turned on him. David had done evil in the sight of the Lord. God had to send Nathan to David to reveal his anger toward him.

2) Abraham was told by God that he would be the father of many nations. Abram and Sarah faithlessly took things into their own hands and he took Hagar the handmaid and slept with her and she got pregnant with Ishmael, because they grew weary in waiting for God. Abram acted out of his flesh and did things his own way instead of trusting God. Genesis 16: 11-12 And the angel of the Lord continued, see now, you are with child and shall bear a son, and shall call his name Ishmael (God hears), because the Lord has heard and paid attention to your affliction. And he (Ishmael) will be as a wild ass among men; his hand will be against every man and every man against him, and he will live to the east and on the borders of all his kinsmen. Ishmael and his descendants are still under the bastard’s curse.

3) Tamar tricked her father-in-law Judah into sleeping with her to get pregnant because he betrayed her by not giving her his youngest son when he became of age. The twin children Perez and Zerah were illegitimate because they were not married. In Genesis 38:1-30 At that time Judah withdrew from his brothers and went to (lodge with) a certain Adullamite might named Hirah. There Judah saw and met a daughter of Shuah, a Canaanite; He took her as his wife and lived with her. And she became pregnant and bore a son, and he called him Er. And she conceived again and bore a son and named him Onan. Again, she conceived and bore a son and named him Shelah. (They were living) at Chezib when she bore him. Now Judah took a wife for Er, his first born; Her name was Tamar. And Er Judas firstborn, was wicked in the sight of the Lord, and the Lord slew him. Then Judah told Onan marry your brother's widow; live with her and raise offspring for your brother. But Onan knew the family would not be his, so he when he cohabitated with his brother's widow, he prevented conception, least he would raise up a child for his brother. And the thing which he did displeased the Lord therefore he slew him also. Then Judah said to Tamar his daughter in law, remain a widow at your father's house till Shelah my (youngest) son is grown; For he thought, least perhaps if Shelah would marry her he would also die, as his brothers did. So, Tamar went and lived with her father's house. But later Judah’s wife, the daughter of Shuah, died; and when Judah was comforted, he went up to his sheepshearers at Timnath with his friend Hirah the Adullamite. Then it was told Tamar, listen, your father- in- law is going up to Timnath to shear his sheep. So, she put off her widow's garment and covered herself with a veil, wrapped herself up (in disguise), and set at the entrance of Enaim, which is by the road to Timnath; for she saw that Shelah was grown and she was not given to him as his wife. When Judah saw her, he thought she was a harlot or devoted prostitute (under a vow to her goddess), for she had covered her face (as such women did). He turned to her by the road and said, come, let me have intercourse with you; For he did not know that she was his daughter -in- law. And she said, what will you give me that you may have intercourse with me? He answered, I will send you a kid from the flock and she said, will you give me a pledge a (deposit) until you send it? And he said what pledge shall I give you? She said, your signet (seal), your (signet) cord and your staff that is in your hand. And he gave them all to her and came into her, and she became pregnant by him. And she arose and went away and laid aside her veil and put on the garments of her widowhood. And Judah sent the kid by the hand of his friend Adullamite, to receive his pledge from the woman's hand; but he was unable to find her. He asked the men of that place, where is the harlot or cult prostitute who was openly by the roadside? They said, there was no harlot or temple prostitute here. So, he returned to Judah and said, I cannot find her; and also, the local men said there was no harlot or temple prostitute around there. And Judah said, let her keep (the pledge articles) for herself, least we would be made ashamed. I sent this kid, but you have not found her. But about three months later Judah was told, Tamar your daughter- in- law has played the harlot, also she is with child by her lewdness. And Judah said, bring her forth and let her be burned! When she was brought forth, she (took the things he had given her in pledge and) said sent (them) to her father- in- law, saying, I am with child by the man to whom these articles belong. Then she added, make out clearly, I pray you, to whom these belong, the signet (seal), the (signet) cord, and the staff. And Judah acknowledged them and said, she has been more righteous and just then I, because I did not give her Shelah my son. And he did not cohabit with her again. Now when the time came for her to be delivered, behold, there were Twins in her womb. And when she was in labor, one baby put out his hand; And the midwife took his hand and bound upon it a scarlet thread, saying this baby was born first. But he drew back his hand, and behold, his brother was born first.  And she said, what a breaking forth you have made for yourself! Therefore, his name was called Perez breaking forth. (Matthew 1: 3) And afterward his brother who had the scarlet thread on his hand was born and was named Zerah (scarlet).

Due to the devastation of the land on Sodom, Lots daughters became fearful and chose incest rather than prayer and to trust in the Lord for their future. Lots daughters had no husbands and plotted a plan to carry on their father’s name. They decided to get their father drunk and take advantage of him so they could become pregnant and bare children. They both bore sons Ammon and Moab as a result, Moabites and Ammonites were formed. Moab was responsible for Israel to fall into carnality. Numbers 25 shows Israel attended Moab’s sacrifices to their gods, ate with them, and bowed down to their gods. Isaiah 16:14 speaks of God's judgment against Moab by making their remnant to be very small and feeble. The Ammonites were responsible for human sacrifices as shown in Leviticus 18:21. They were hostile towards Israel in Deuteronomy 23:3-6, Zephaniah 2:9 speaks about God's judgment where they would be overthrown and be weeds and salt pits and a perpetual desolation to be plundered and owned by another. Their remnant would also remain weak. The story unfolds in Genesis 19, lets focus on :30-38 “and Lot went up out of Zoar and dwelt in the mountain, and his two daughters with him, for he feared to dwell in Zoar; And he lived in a cave, he and his two daughters. The elder said to the younger, our father is aging and there is not a man on earth to live with us in the customary way. Come, let us make our father drunk with wine, and we will lie with him, so that we may preserve offspring (our race) through our father. And they made their father drunk with wine that night, and the older went in and lay with her father; And he was not aware of it when she laid down or when she arose. Then the next day the first born said to the younger, see here, I lay last night with my father; Let us make him drunk with wine tonight also, and then you go in and lie with him, so that you may preserve offspring (our race) through our father. And they made their father drunk with wine again that night, and the younger arose and lay with him; And he was not aware of it when she lay down or when she arose. Thus, both daughters of Lot were with child by their father. The older bore son and named him Moab (son of a father); He is the father of the Moabites to this day. The younger also bore a son and named him Ben-Ammi (son of the people); he is the father of the Ammonites to this day.”

In each of these scenarios we can clearly see how sexual perversion was acted upon and carried out in some form by each of the people involved. We can also see how these situations led to more sin, and how it was displeasing to God. Perversion of any kind brings curses upon the children. God curses iniquity (perversion). There are different forms of perversion, listed at the bottom of article. Vengeance is mine; I will repay, sayeth the Lord. Romans 12:19

The Lord recompenses iniquity into the bosom of the children in the form of curses. A recompensed is a reward or a payment. Just as the Lord rewards righteousness, he also rewards sin. He rewards sin in the form of curses. Websters definition of reward is “something that is given in return for good or evil done or received.”

A curse is God's recompense in the life of a person and his or her descendants because of iniquity. The curse causes sorrow of heart and gives demonic spirits gain legal entry into the family bloodline whereby they can carry out and perpetrate their wicked devices. Therefore, curses oftentimes must be broken over the lives of believers and the believers must learn how to stand in faith against those curses, keeping them from operating in their lives.

What makes this even truer in the spiritual matter is the fact that we have an adversary, the devil, who is determined to keep away from us what is legally ours. If he can keep you ignorant and unaware of the inheritance that is legally yours, as a child of God, then he will interfere with the will of God in your life until he can get you to give up. That is his goal, for you to stop pursuing God and His will for your life. That is the only way he (satan) can win.

The promises in the Word are not automatic, they must be believed for and often fought for in faith. I believe that God allows this to build your faith and cause you to seek Him in a greater way. You do not have to fight God for his promises, He is not keeping them back from you. But you must contend with the adversary who is trying to trick you and prevent you in every way possible from receiving and walking in the fullness of the promises of God.

He will do whatever he can to prevent you from fulfilling the call of God on your life. He will make you weary trying to figure out what is wrong with you, and what is going on that you cannot get free, he will play over and over in your mind, is it because you are unworthy? Unlovable? Because of the guilt and shame from past sins we believe these lies which will steal your joy, peace, happiness, leaving you in dead works, no faith, hopeless and in despair.

When the past does not want to leave, there is usually an open door of sin in the person’s life or in the past generations that is not obvious and has not been dealt with.

If so, how can a believer be delivered from a curse and be set free to obtain and walk in the full blessing of the Lord? Jesus died and paid the full price for our sins. Upon salvation, accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior we become the sons and daughters of God through the spirit of adoption. To understand this, we need to know the difference between what ours is legally and what is experientially ours. Just because something is legally ours does not mean we will automatically obtain it or walk in it.

There is a process to cancel the contract in the spiritual realm, actions must be taken to destroy the contract that was made in the bloodline. Renouncing it and repenting for it to end it. The curse must be recognized, with deep seated repentance for it, and you must renounce it to close the door and disable the curse. Once broken God’s people will be delivered and set free and restored back to intimacy with God the Father and Jesus Christ. Renew your mind in the Lord and accept God’s forgiveness and love. Romans 12:1-2

We must determine to keep our vessel clean and fit for the masters use. Those with a clean vessel will carry the glory of our Lord.

2 Timothy 2: 20-21 AMPC but in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also (utensils) of wood and earthenware, and some for honorable and Noble (use)! So, whoever cleanses himself (from that is ignoble an unclean, who separates himself from contact with contaminating and corrupting influences) will (then himself) be a vessel set a part and useful for honorable and Noble purposes, consecrated and profitable to the master, fit and ready for any good work.

If we are not willing to recognize and admit there is a problem, we will remain in our sin and rebellion. Do not let pride, or the shame of where you are at keep you from all that God has for you. Unrepentance for, this curse for a Christian affects your ability to read the Word of God and your prayer life. It affects your ability to stay hungry for the things of God. Your relationships at church and church gatherings can be hindered by rejection. When there is any correction or disapproval, you want to run or leave the church you are at and start church hopping. The enemy gets you on the run.

You get caught up trying to seek God in your own way, trying to fit in, looking for approval and acceptance from people, dead works, performance by trying to earn his love and acceptance. Let us not become weary in well doing! We must take off the grave clothes! Let us partner with the Holy Spirit who leads us in all truth, for it is the truth that truly sets us free. When you become free God entrusts you to help others. What you overcome makes you a deliverer, you become a weapon, a mighty warrior in the army of God! So be encouraged! Let us get free!


Father God, I come to you in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. I repent of all perversion, and sinful behavior in my own life and/ or in the lives of my ancestors for the past 10 generations that opened the door to the bastard’s curse in my life and in the lives of my descendants. In the name of Jesus, I placed those sins under the blood of Christ shed Calvary. I asked, father, that you would forgive and cleanse me and my linage from this destructive curse. I thank you, father, that I can now come freely into the congregation of the Lord and have a close relationship with you and with my brothers and sisters in Christ. I thank you, father that you now consider me your legitimate child worthy of your discipline. I ask father, that you would help me to overcome the negative habits that may have embedded themselves in my soul because of living under this horrific curse. I thank you and praise you in the name of Jesus for delivering me and my descendants of the bastard’s curse. I thank you, Holy Spirit, for filling my life with blessings of your fellowship and fellowship with the Saints. Amen



Repentance: is required for deliverance when you repent you turn around and turn away from sin. Repentance is the result of godly sorrow. Godly sorrow worketh repentance to Salvation in 2 Corinthians 7:10. Put another way the result of godly sorrow is repentance which leads to Salvation which means deliverance. After repentance comes the actual breaking of the curse. This is done in the name of Jesus; we have all been given authority to break the curse. Once the curse is broken legal ground used by the demon spirits to remain in a person's life are taken away. You must repent for all past generations for all your forefathers who participated in the curse. (that is for all curses)

Recompence; An equivalent or return for something done, suffered, or given; To return in kind requisite, repay.

 Thou showiest loving kindness unto thousands, and recompense assist the iniquity of the fathers into the bosom of their children after them the great, the mighty God, the Lord of host, is his name Jeremiah 32:18.

iniquity: The Hebrew word translated iniquity in Jeremiah 32:18 is a bound meaning perversity moral evil fault inequity mischief sin. Iniquity is the cause of a curse period now, let us look at the results of a curse.

perversion: a turning away from what is good or morally right diverting to a wrong end or purpose misdirecting; Stubbornness, obstinacy to what is right.

Perversion of any kind brings curses upon the children. God curses and equity perversion. There are different forms of perversion.


sexual perversion which includes adultery fornication incest homosexuality oral sex and ogre’s molestation and rape a history of these sexual sins in the bloodline opened the door for a curse of lust.

Financial perversion includes the misuse of money, unjust gain, cheating, gambling, covertness, not honoring God by paying your ties, bribes, crooked means of obtaining money, illegal trafficking of drugs and alcohol, robbery, and embezzlement a history of these sins in the bloodline opened the door for a curse of poverty.

religious perversion includes idolatry worshipping idols, ancestral worship, and oaths and pledges to Idol gods. A history of these sins in the bloodline can open the door for a curse of idolatry and multiple other curses.

Spiritual perversion includes witchcraft, voodoo, sorcery, divination, occult involvement, and spiritism. This opens a door for multiple curses.

behavioral perversion which includes a perverse way, pride, rebellion, drunkenness, murder, returning evil for good, sinful attitudes and ways, ungodly conduct, mistreating others, abuse an unrighteous behavior.

Familiar perversion includes perversion of the family order, a happen Jezebel spirits see first Kings 16 through 21, men not taking leadership, dominating females, rebellious children, are any time God's order in the family is violated and neglected. This perversion opens the door for curses upon marriages and families. Perverse speech includes spoken curses, vexes, hexes, spells, lying, blasphemy, slander, crooked speech, vowels, spoken pledges to idols, Cults, false gods, enchantments, and bewitchment, and cursing.

Alena Moore