
Psalm 57:2 NLT I cry out to God Most High, to God who will fulfill His purpose for me.

Psalm 139:15-16 NKJV My frame was not hidden from you, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw My substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they were all written. The day's fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them.

Have you ever thought, why am I here? God has a purpose for your life. He needs you to have a relationship with Him. When you seek Him, you will be amazed as to how your life will change. Let God be in control; He wants to give you the life He always intended for you to live.

Be encouraged, knowing that God has a book He wrote about your life. Every page brings you into your destiny. We have free will. When you connect with God's will, you will see your life will change.

People, places, and things also are connected to your life to fulfill your pages. In your purpose are the people God knew you would need, and people God knew that would need you.

"At times, we have to be uncomfortable to be comfortable" God once told me there is" pain in the process."

Have you considered your enemies to be part of your walk? The enemy is always trying to stop you from fulfilling what God has for your life. Allow your enemy to motivate you. Get excited; this could be a set up to carry you into what God has planned for your life. It is hard at times, walking through the uncomfortable times that are part of the process. "At times, we have to be uncomfortable to be comfortable" God once told me there is" pain in the process."

He never promised you that you wouldn't have trials; He is right there with you. Look at Jesus. He needed Judas to fulfill His purpose for us. Have you wondered, am I walking in what God has for me? What are your desires, your passions? What gets you excited, and brings you joy? God gives us desires and passions; you will know when you are because you will feel content.

Don't waste what God gave you rise and walk in the call that is on your life. Not only are people counting on you, but most importantly, God is.